This blog was supposed to be for school
Yet it gets over 800 pageviews. I doubt that most of you who read this page actually read it, but it's very interesting to see the amount of traffic this blog gets when compared to my "personal" blog. So if anyone's out there, hi! As you can see, my writing style has grown up significantly.
Marley & Me: Reading Log #18
"Marley didn't actually wag his tail. He more wagged his whole body, starting with the front shoulders and working backward. He was like the canine version of a Slinky."
This part of the book never left my because I kept contemplating what that would look like. What does that look like anyway?!! Whatever it is, it must've been pretty destructive. Well, what could you say? It's Marley's destructiveness that makes the book so interesting.
Rhinoceros: Reading Log #17
Jean: True, I was not invited. That honor was denied me.. But in any case, I can assure you, that even if I had been invited, I would not have gone, because... What's going on? Whatever is it?
Waitress: Whatever is it?
Jean: Oh, a rhinoceros!
Waitress Oh, a rhinoceros!
Grocers wife: Oh, a rhinoceros! Quick, come and look; it's a rhinoceros!
Jean: It's rushing straight ahead, brushing up against the shop windows.
That part really kinda threw me off. Even though I was expecting a rhino is the story I didn't expect it like this. Why was it so random? Was this guy bored when he made the play? I'm guessing he was just being funny and being successful at it.
Marley and Me Reading Log #16
So I was reading Marley and me (I took it from my sister) and one little quote struck me. It said: "You want to pick a dog thats not timid," my father coached. "Trt rattling the cage and see which ones are afraid." When ISaw that, I thought, is this all it takes to get a good dog? I was suprised. I think I'll go to the dog store right now and try it out!
Into the Wild: Reading log #15
April 27th, 1992
Greetings from Fairbanks! This is the last you shall hear from me Wayne. Arrived here 2 days ago. It was very difficult to catch rides in the Yukon Territory. But I finally got here
Please return all mail I receive to the sender. It might be a very long time before I return to the South. If this adventure proves fatal and you don't ever hear from me again I want you to know you're a great man. I now walk into the wild. Alex.
This was the first little bit of the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. It immediately caught my attention when I read. This little bit was an actual letter by Chris McCandless (Alex) to Westerberg. I wondered, "Why does he have to go on a journey like this?" The front of the book states that he gave up almost everything he had and went on a journey into the wild. But why? This man really must've hit himself in the head. I really want to know why!
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 for Dummies: Reading Log #14?
I didn't expect that we were going to do a reading journal in class for the enjoyment reading book. That fact wouldn't have bothered me; it's the fact that we have to do it in "Q-Q-C" format that bothers me. Why? It's because I brought a book that not that good for a format like this.
So I start with a quote. This quote did not actually come straight from the text itself but for a small caption under a picture. The caption said "Just how accurately should my Web site reflect my place of business?" and it was placed under a picture of someone on his computer who was in the world's trashiest cubicle. I giggled.
So I have a question. I have been reading this book for I wanted to make a website for my church, but it leaves me with this, "Does my website have to reflect my workspace?". My room (yes, I make a church website in my room) can be confused for a trash can. It's like a tornado went through it. So must my website look like a big trash can? Very strange. It must be a weird company rule.
"I don't really like this Q-Q-C format thing"
What it anyway? I'm not so sure. one thing I'm sure about is the fact that media is all around us and it can control our nation. For me I believe it's things like advertisements or logos you see on your stuff. think of it like mass communication. That's about the best definition I can give
If you want a more "legit" definition, then here's one from
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