Breaking Through: Reading Log #2

So I'm in chapter 15 now in this book. I don't usually read this on the weekdays, so that's why I'm so behind.

The book gets more interesting as I read it. It really gave me different perspectives in life. As I read along, I always thought about how it would be like living in a life like this (let alone living in the 60's).

The story was very heartwarming and provoking in some cases. I love it when Fransisco's mom helps out her children, but I hate how his dad treats them. "Who could survive a life living with a father like that?!", I always thought to myself.

I also hated how Americans treated the Mexicans in the book. This problem still grows today. I don't see why everyone is so conscious of race these days. Why can't every one just treat each other equally? I just look at every individual as a human being with physical traits common to others, but that's just me.